UW Privacy Office

May 3, 2024

Week of May 6: Choose Privacy events through UW Libraries!

Last updated on May 14, 2024

Libraries care about your privacy! The American Library Association created Choose Privacy Week to start a national conversation about digital privacy and safety, offering tools and resources to think critically and make more informed choices about personal online privacy and safety. The week of May 6th, UW Libraries’ Open Scholarship Commons will offer  sessions designed to help students, faculty, staff and the community at large develop a better understanding of assessing your own digital safety, including simple changes you can make to safeguard your privacy on your phone along with a workshop on navigating the legalease of Terms of Service agreements followed by a hack-a-thon to examine and rate terms of service and privacy policies of online tools commonly used for research and in classroom settings.

Check out and sign up for events on the Choose Privacy Week schedule page!